Tuesday 7 October 2008

The Tea, the Nissan and the "Repper rooms"

Hmm. Ok.
Blog Two.
(Great start)

Basically I've been thinking what to write. I thought it needed to be something that revealed something more about me, and would distinguish me as a true Brit, since you know I'm from Britain.
(Yes, Megan)

So I thought what better thing to talk about, than tea. Yes that's right folks, T-E-A. Tea!
(oh God here we go)

Tea is quite possibly one of the most amazing things ever, and unbelievably British. Yeaa! I myself drink quite a lot of tea. If I didn't go out I would probably drink around 20 cups a day.
They should call me teapot.
Jack and I tried doing teapot poses.
It didn't work.

I like my tea

Quite milky.


And as to those who prefer coffee…



Ok so let me tell you a bit about my day.
Well and yesters.

Ok yest-U-rday lunch (besides a rather sticky moment for Jess) I accompanied Rosebud and Jimbob to the bank to sort out our Young Enterprise account. Twas well good. I mean, I didn’t really like the bank itself (the ladies wore too much make-up and it was too quiet, clean and well organised :S) but the journey was good (Y)

Jimmy formed the first ever wordless quote of the day:
Jimmy *shakes fist at parked 25th birthday edition Nissan micra.. realises people are in car* *Jimmy looks rather embarrassed* Meg + Rosie *die laughing..*It was absolutely hi-wait4it-larious!
No lie.
I didn't even know Jimmy could go so red.

Also yesterday…mmm…you know I can't actually remember that far back. That's bad isn't it. Haha!

Oh yehh Alice and I were told that we should get together ;)
And make a pretty good student. Ha!
And btw I swear a certain person winked at Alice a few weeks ago :S
Quite disturbing really.

Arghh! I just clicked on a website and this guy is crudely grinning at me and winking.
Hes blonde.
With blue eyes.


Ermm… anyway, today. Ahh yes. Today I had yoga! Always a highlight of my day :)
Any excuse to chant words that those who aren't "enlightened" wouldn't understand, and to get into the funniest positions in between Chloe Rosie and Alice. ;)

Whatsmore, I don't fall asleep during the relaxation part anymore! I don't understand how you guys that did it last year still do that. Just listen!
"Heart Centre..1..Left shoulder..2..Left hip..3..Naval centre..4..Right hip..5..Right shoulder..6..Heart centre..1..2..3..4..5..6..1..."
Then again, Alice was practically asleep when we were stretching!
And downward facing dog.

Young Enterprise today as well.
The meeting was..urmm..interesting to say the least.
Ahh. Its just one of those times when you wish you had a gun.
Whats that?
You do?!

Oh and another thing.
I suppose I should have a rant about the common room.
Well it’s the 'all-new jazzed-up common room,' complete with series of movable lockers, half broken chairs, and a running tap!
Don’t worry, it won’t get very far. Jimmy will catch it with his super-speed.

A sporting tradition of the room includes turning tables upside-down, tying skipping ropes to them and using them as sled. Fun fun! Alternate sports include seeing who can stand upside-down the longest while leaning against the wall, who can make the biggest hole in the wall, and who can chuck Gurbutt the furthest.

They say theyre going to do something and create a '6th form centre,' but the annoying thing is that won't be done until after we've left!
I blame Edward.

Basically 6th form is a pile of poo.
I have sooooo much work to do!
And it doesn't exactly help having 2 disagreeing graphics teachers, music lessons practically on my lonesome, confusing history shizzle with a test coming up that I just know I'm gunna fail even with revision, and anger at Daisy Buchanan leaking out from me everytime I touch 'The Great Gatsby!'

Ohh..and another thing..in assembly Mr Wager said there was no Santa Claus!

He was joking.

Also today I made a pretty witty joke (hey that rhymes!) about a thorn and a rose, didn't I Jimbob?? Ehh? Wink wink! Nudge nudge!

Ok so what have you supposed from this pitiful excuse for a blog?
1. I really shouldn't be writing this as I have faaarrr too much work to do.
2. Daisy Buchanan really makes my blood boil.
8. I can't count.
5. I don't like coffee.
10. I like tea.
12. Quite milky.
7. I have a fetish for cheesy jokes that no one quite gets. Hmm...

Yay! Aren't you educated?


1 comment:

Jimbob said...

and what an awesome joke that was! thorn... haha... no wonder you got A* in english at GCSE! :P

your blog rocks :P don't let anyone tell you otherwise XD

jimbob xx