Sunday 5 October 2008

First blog. Yayness!

Hello I'm Meg.
I just thought I'd roughly say a bit about me since this is my first “blog.”

I'm not two-faced but I do have a split personality. Hey, what can I say, I'm a Gemini! That doesn't mean that I'll just turn on you at any moment so don't worry! Although I usually give people the impression that I'm completely insane.

I can come across as quite shy at first. Or really loud and silly. You know. One of the two. :)
Sometimes I don't say anything because what I say is either stupid or gay. Although I do have the occasional witty moment. A lot depends on my mood.

I can look really miserable sometimes. But most of the time I'm not. I'm just really deep in thought! I try not to overanalyse things and procrastinate. Keyword: TRY.

I don't particularly like to argue. But I won’t step down or give into anyone or anything else, and I will always fight for what I believe in. I love a good friendly debate, me! But I will let things go…if you're special. ;)

I love my friends and family. They are like, well good, like.

Things that annoy me: wasps (I mean, what do they actually do? Atleast bees have a purpose!), top friends lists (serve no purpose whatsoever, except causing arguments), maths (eww), diet coke (don’t get me started on this), attention seekers, maths (eww!) green not being a primary colour (I've never been able to understand this), Daisy Buchanan! (grrr) hypocrites, patronisation, Pierce Brosnan singing (although that last outfit kinda made up for it - very 007!), the unnecessary use of the F word (no, not food), stress management sessions!
Oh and wide foreheads. Yehh, don't ask.

I love music. It's possibly the best thing ever. It lets you forget the things you want to forget, and remember the things you want to remember. Singing makes you feel good. Ask Edward. Just try singing now. Except 'Bogopiller!' Anything but that! Mmmm.

I'm at 6th form atm. My favourite subject is English purely because I can read and write. Yep.

I say ‘rather’ quite a lot. And ‘basically.’ Words are rather cool - good at expressing things. Very articulate, me. Try and make a list of all the words beginning with the letter 'Q' I’ll start you off. Ready? 'Queue' (pronounced 'q')! It's a word…and a letter! How awesome is that? :O

Josh and I have our own dictionary…cause we is like, well cool! You're just jealous you're not as unbelievably cool as us! Duuude! Don't hate! The mighty English dictionary should be named after us!

I also think anagrams of full names are the funniest things ever, thanks to Jimmy.
Along with 'Chocolate Rain.'
And German Daleks…they're the best. :)
And 'West Side Story.' I secretly know all the dance routines and like to prance around the house in the dark clicking my fingers. :P

Love for all.
Except for those who hate.
Namely Sam.

P.S. I like hats. :)

P.P.S. I have just realised how many times I’ve used the word ‘I’ in this. Hmm…I’m really not that self-centred! Honest!

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