Friday 24 October 2008

The Pumpkin, the Ortega Flavour and the End of Something that was New?

Ooh haven't written a blog in like, almost a week!
I've been busy.

Happy birthday to Rosebud (for yesterday)! And Calum (today)! And Soph (tomorrow)!
I hope you are all satisfied with your pressies *rolls eyes*
But for Rosie and Calum the best present will be coming tomorrow!
Thats right folks, its HSM3!

Now, I know what you're all thinking.."Omg how can a supposed sixteen-going-on-seventeen-year-old possibly be interested in something as ridiculous and stupid as that!" (although you were all probably thinking of somewhat ruder versions, but anyway all along those lines) And now I suppose you've stopped even reading this.
Oh well I'm gonna keep typing anyway lol

Yes, High School Musical is occasionally cheesy, but that's funny guys! lol Its actually too corny, squeaky-clean and wholesome for most critics :P
But I did read one review, saying:

'The plot isn't actually rigged with dramatic tension. It bears the same relation to real teenage problems that Strictly Come Dancing has to the oeuvre of Ken Loach.'

Well how the bloody hell would they know?? They're not a teenager are they? Grrr!
One is very foolish to forget what it is like to be young. Albus Dumbledore wasn't half right.

Poohead. lol

A little known fact, its actually based on Romeo and Juliet, reference them coming from different "cliques" etc. It displays a morally just message, about being who you are, realising your dreams and having the courage to chase them, and not letting anyone tell you who to be or what to do, and people just accepting you for who you are etc etc etc.

I really don't want to bore you with any of this.
Hmm..a bit late for that, you say?

Even Jess said he liked the one he heard, and started tapping, "Well, Meg, I must admit its better than what I thought it was going to be, I'd thought it'd be all mushy-gushy."

HSM4 won't be as good obviously.
But I'm lovin' Jemma whos playing 'Tiara.' Oh it had to be Tiara didn't it! Haha! Shes a transfer student from England. In 'Senior Year Spring MusiCAL' she sings the word 'dance' with an English accent most predominantly. Heehee!

Also me likey Jimmy "The Rocket!" Well cute!
"All I wanna do is be with (Sharpay: eww!) youu"
Rock on lol

You're carr-rraazzz-zzzyy wildcats! XD

Ok ok, I won't go on about it anymore.
Although my next blog will more than likely be a list of all my fav quotes from the movie.
For example:
Darbus: [elaborately as usual] We shall call it..Senior Yearrr!
Sharpay: [sarcastically] Genuis!

Sharpay: Hey Troy! Whens the big game!?
[Sharpay's phone beeps]
Troy: Yesterdayy.
Sharpay: Oh. Well good luck! Toodles!
[walks away]
[revealing trophie! but hey, everyone could've guessed that anyway lol]

But I'm seeing it tomorrow!!!!!!

So I'm going to take this opportunity, and take my Darbus glasses and go see the ruddy film!
Its sexy.
And it has the Ortega flavour!
And I don't particularly care whether YOU like it or not.
Just don't take the yellow, savvy?
Don't expect social realism. If YOU wanna go see a film about teenage pregnancies and knife crime then feel free, go elsewhere.
At least I'm happy enough to see a HAPPY film about young love and music and dancing and DRAMA BAYBEE and basketball and "young men in baggy shorts, flinging balls for touchdowns!"

Ok, so, today..Harvest Fest!
Twas goood.
A bit spread out though. Which I didn't particularly like.
But yehh..twas good..snaps for Miss Wildman for making it a success! She worked really hard on everything.

And I still don't think that was a pumpkin.
We were trying to figure out what it was in choir.
And yes, I also love marrows (:
And yes, it probably was a prize marrow.
I think we should have a biggest marrow growing contest at school. No? Ok. (:

Funnily enough, we were rehearsing when everyone came in, and they thought it was real, oh no, we're just laughing throughout the entire real performance! Ha!
Although, saying that, I was pretty much Rosie! lol
Jimmy, did you see her? Everytime I looked across she was smiling dementedly towards Mrs Missin! haha!

Omg we sounded embarrassing. Its one thing singing in a concert to people you don't know and with the lights dimmed, but another singing in broad daylight in front of all your friends and everyone you know who can all clearly see you.
Haha! Rosie! You do make me chuckle!

Ooh-a a-yesss!
Youtube channel recommendations (Y)
Have a poke around charlieissocoollike's channel:
Love him (L)
He's quite big on the Tubes (Y)

Bo Fo' Sho'
Yahh blud.

Well yes, thats it from me for today I think.

Ciao for nowwww!

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