Sunday 19 October 2008

The Rose and the Thorn in Society

I've have been encouraged to write an entire blog about Rosie :)
Which, y'know, shouldn't be a problem, since shes amazing.
Right. Now. What to write?

Well...shes Rosie! And..ermm...
Ok ok joking!

Rosebud is amazing. And she always cheers me up when I'm down.
She may come across as a bit weird, but just talk to her and you'll find shes incredibly funny, caring, smart, and fricking gawjuss!
Despite, always tripping over her feet, we seem to make our marriage work ;)

Ok Rose, I know I said a whole blog.
But, lets face it, thats boring!
I kid, I kid.

I do actually have something to talk about, something serious, believe it or not.

There are some people out there who are so unbelievably arrogant and take everything for granted. Some people can be very openly patronising to the point at which it becomes cruel, without realising it, but they don't mean any harm really. However, some people believe themselves to be better than everyone else, similar to the system of so-called "devine right," but it often goes beyond that. Certain people are discriminated against, purely due to their colour, race, religion, country, background, class, appearances, friends, family, etc.

This absolutely ridiculous and inhuman behaviour is reflected in many aspects of life. Yes, it is true that perhaps it would be easier if we all looked and thought the same, but wheres the fun in that? Nobody is the same and no one is perfect. But thats what makes each and every one of us uniquely thrilling - "imperfection is beauty."

We are all a gift of life, so why should anyone be treated like dirt, or differently to anyone else? Everyone is here for a reason, and everyone on this Earth needs to accept that.

You may feel sometimes like you don't belong where you are, and indeed, that may be the case. But you do belong in this world, you just have to find out where, afterall, you have to move to find your place. Theres so much to see and do, and one person can only scratch the surface in a lifetime.

Remember, to want something better is no disgrace, and you should always strive to improve, but everything will work out if you keep believing, surround yourself with those who you love and those who love you, and you have faith in yourself, because, ultimately, its yourself you'll always have to live with and depend upon.

Okay, a little story for you "devine right"-ers:
(Oh, and by the way, get over yourselfs.)

A black man once walked into a cafe early one morning. He noticed that he was the only black man there. As he sat down, a white man sat behind him.
The white man said, "Coloured people aren't allowed in here!"
The black man replied,
"When I was born, I was black.
When I grew up, I was black.
When I am sick, I am black.
When I stay in the sun, I am black.
When I am cold, I am black.
When I die, I will be black.
But you sir.. when you were born, you were pink.
When you are sick, you are green.
When you stay in the sun, you are red.
When you are cold, you turn blue.
When you will die, you will turn purple.
And yet, you have the nerve to call me coloured!"

Hope that wasn't too much to handle :P

Love and peace, love and peace!

P.S. HSM for the win!


Jimbob said...

Wow... now THAT was deep :) respect to ya! :> good blog, my friend, good blog :>

Have fun! xxxxxx

rosie2310 said...

they are adequate for my size! And you yourself know that that is rather large. As you have indeed held my wecord. On many occasions i do believe.

but yes.

Thankyou for the semi blog.
It was lovely =P


Meg said...

lol Rosie i do hold your Wecord and you do have big feet! lol I trip over them a lot lol! :P

billy brown said...

hmmmmm not sure wot a wecord is!
neway twas a gd semi blog of rosie lol im sure u culd write alot more! i culd lol!
and i liked the rest of the blog aswell! twas gd!