Friday 24 October 2008

The Pumpkin, the Ortega Flavour and the End of Something that was New?

Ooh haven't written a blog in like, almost a week!
I've been busy.

Happy birthday to Rosebud (for yesterday)! And Calum (today)! And Soph (tomorrow)!
I hope you are all satisfied with your pressies *rolls eyes*
But for Rosie and Calum the best present will be coming tomorrow!
Thats right folks, its HSM3!

Now, I know what you're all thinking.."Omg how can a supposed sixteen-going-on-seventeen-year-old possibly be interested in something as ridiculous and stupid as that!" (although you were all probably thinking of somewhat ruder versions, but anyway all along those lines) And now I suppose you've stopped even reading this.
Oh well I'm gonna keep typing anyway lol

Yes, High School Musical is occasionally cheesy, but that's funny guys! lol Its actually too corny, squeaky-clean and wholesome for most critics :P
But I did read one review, saying:

'The plot isn't actually rigged with dramatic tension. It bears the same relation to real teenage problems that Strictly Come Dancing has to the oeuvre of Ken Loach.'

Well how the bloody hell would they know?? They're not a teenager are they? Grrr!
One is very foolish to forget what it is like to be young. Albus Dumbledore wasn't half right.

Poohead. lol

A little known fact, its actually based on Romeo and Juliet, reference them coming from different "cliques" etc. It displays a morally just message, about being who you are, realising your dreams and having the courage to chase them, and not letting anyone tell you who to be or what to do, and people just accepting you for who you are etc etc etc.

I really don't want to bore you with any of this.
Hmm..a bit late for that, you say?

Even Jess said he liked the one he heard, and started tapping, "Well, Meg, I must admit its better than what I thought it was going to be, I'd thought it'd be all mushy-gushy."

HSM4 won't be as good obviously.
But I'm lovin' Jemma whos playing 'Tiara.' Oh it had to be Tiara didn't it! Haha! Shes a transfer student from England. In 'Senior Year Spring MusiCAL' she sings the word 'dance' with an English accent most predominantly. Heehee!

Also me likey Jimmy "The Rocket!" Well cute!
"All I wanna do is be with (Sharpay: eww!) youu"
Rock on lol

You're carr-rraazzz-zzzyy wildcats! XD

Ok ok, I won't go on about it anymore.
Although my next blog will more than likely be a list of all my fav quotes from the movie.
For example:
Darbus: [elaborately as usual] We shall call it..Senior Yearrr!
Sharpay: [sarcastically] Genuis!

Sharpay: Hey Troy! Whens the big game!?
[Sharpay's phone beeps]
Troy: Yesterdayy.
Sharpay: Oh. Well good luck! Toodles!
[walks away]
[revealing trophie! but hey, everyone could've guessed that anyway lol]

But I'm seeing it tomorrow!!!!!!

So I'm going to take this opportunity, and take my Darbus glasses and go see the ruddy film!
Its sexy.
And it has the Ortega flavour!
And I don't particularly care whether YOU like it or not.
Just don't take the yellow, savvy?
Don't expect social realism. If YOU wanna go see a film about teenage pregnancies and knife crime then feel free, go elsewhere.
At least I'm happy enough to see a HAPPY film about young love and music and dancing and DRAMA BAYBEE and basketball and "young men in baggy shorts, flinging balls for touchdowns!"

Ok, so, today..Harvest Fest!
Twas goood.
A bit spread out though. Which I didn't particularly like.
But yehh..twas good..snaps for Miss Wildman for making it a success! She worked really hard on everything.

And I still don't think that was a pumpkin.
We were trying to figure out what it was in choir.
And yes, I also love marrows (:
And yes, it probably was a prize marrow.
I think we should have a biggest marrow growing contest at school. No? Ok. (:

Funnily enough, we were rehearsing when everyone came in, and they thought it was real, oh no, we're just laughing throughout the entire real performance! Ha!
Although, saying that, I was pretty much Rosie! lol
Jimmy, did you see her? Everytime I looked across she was smiling dementedly towards Mrs Missin! haha!

Omg we sounded embarrassing. Its one thing singing in a concert to people you don't know and with the lights dimmed, but another singing in broad daylight in front of all your friends and everyone you know who can all clearly see you.
Haha! Rosie! You do make me chuckle!

Ooh-a a-yesss!
Youtube channel recommendations (Y)
Have a poke around charlieissocoollike's channel:
Love him (L)
He's quite big on the Tubes (Y)

Bo Fo' Sho'
Yahh blud.

Well yes, thats it from me for today I think.

Ciao for nowwww!

Sunday 19 October 2008

The Rose and the Thorn in Society

I've have been encouraged to write an entire blog about Rosie :)
Which, y'know, shouldn't be a problem, since shes amazing.
Right. Now. What to write?

Well...shes Rosie! And..ermm...
Ok ok joking!

Rosebud is amazing. And she always cheers me up when I'm down.
She may come across as a bit weird, but just talk to her and you'll find shes incredibly funny, caring, smart, and fricking gawjuss!
Despite, always tripping over her feet, we seem to make our marriage work ;)

Ok Rose, I know I said a whole blog.
But, lets face it, thats boring!
I kid, I kid.

I do actually have something to talk about, something serious, believe it or not.

There are some people out there who are so unbelievably arrogant and take everything for granted. Some people can be very openly patronising to the point at which it becomes cruel, without realising it, but they don't mean any harm really. However, some people believe themselves to be better than everyone else, similar to the system of so-called "devine right," but it often goes beyond that. Certain people are discriminated against, purely due to their colour, race, religion, country, background, class, appearances, friends, family, etc.

This absolutely ridiculous and inhuman behaviour is reflected in many aspects of life. Yes, it is true that perhaps it would be easier if we all looked and thought the same, but wheres the fun in that? Nobody is the same and no one is perfect. But thats what makes each and every one of us uniquely thrilling - "imperfection is beauty."

We are all a gift of life, so why should anyone be treated like dirt, or differently to anyone else? Everyone is here for a reason, and everyone on this Earth needs to accept that.

You may feel sometimes like you don't belong where you are, and indeed, that may be the case. But you do belong in this world, you just have to find out where, afterall, you have to move to find your place. Theres so much to see and do, and one person can only scratch the surface in a lifetime.

Remember, to want something better is no disgrace, and you should always strive to improve, but everything will work out if you keep believing, surround yourself with those who you love and those who love you, and you have faith in yourself, because, ultimately, its yourself you'll always have to live with and depend upon.

Okay, a little story for you "devine right"-ers:
(Oh, and by the way, get over yourselfs.)

A black man once walked into a cafe early one morning. He noticed that he was the only black man there. As he sat down, a white man sat behind him.
The white man said, "Coloured people aren't allowed in here!"
The black man replied,
"When I was born, I was black.
When I grew up, I was black.
When I am sick, I am black.
When I stay in the sun, I am black.
When I am cold, I am black.
When I die, I will be black.
But you sir.. when you were born, you were pink.
When you are sick, you are green.
When you stay in the sun, you are red.
When you are cold, you turn blue.
When you will die, you will turn purple.
And yet, you have the nerve to call me coloured!"

Hope that wasn't too much to handle :P

Love and peace, love and peace!

P.S. HSM for the win!

Saturday 18 October 2008

The Honey, the two legends and GIO! :P

Wow. Two blogs in three days aren’t you lucky ;)
Although this one may be quite short.
And boring.
But there you go.

So, today, first of all I’m going to talk about Ugly Betty.

And for those of you who don’t watch it..


Kay, so..
Yesterday was the last episode of the series, and it was fantastic! Predictable of course, but only about 5 minutes before you found out what happened. :)

Although, it was so unfair! You didn’t see what happened at the end! Back to their twisting ways! Silly writers. Meh.

I don’t understand how Betty can be that off Henry after all that time. Then again, she did love Gio all along.

I don’t think she chose either of them.
Maybe she even goes with Daniel.
She just needs to spread her wings.. And flyyy…ahhhhh!
Lol :X

Twas really sad at the end with Daniel and Danielle.
Haha! Bless.

But anyway, I don’t want to put in too many spoliers for those of you who haven’t watched it yet.

Anyhuu, moving on…

FOUR DAYS!!!!!!!!!!!


Well..I’m glad I got that off my chest.

Oh btw, is everyone loving John Legend atm?

So..these last couple have days haven’t been too good if I’m honest.
But hey.. You have ups and downs.
Theres a lot of poo going down at home, and school, and everywhere, and tis nich gut!
But, I have my things to help me through ;)

Although, yesterday was brightened up by such quotes; from Jimmy:


And of course, not forgetting my blossoming Rosebud:

"I can't believe I'm doing it!!"

(Don't ask)

Legends. Love them.

Ok so that’ll be all I think.
I have to go to my ickle cousins 4th birthday party which should be good, since i'm mentally 4!

Then I have to dress my sister up as Audrey Hepburn for a party, even though she does not fully comprehend the importance or existence of such a elegant legend.
But y’know, what r ya gonna do?

Honey honey!
How he thrills me..Uh-ha!
Honey honey!

Urmm yehh..


Wednesday 15 October 2008

The Garleks, the Cannonball and the Deep moment

Howdy :)

A bit random, but, I just remembered an old quote of Jimmy/Jess/Edward (Not implying that they are, in fact, the same person, of course - I just can’t remember which one of them said it lol I know it was said right after this years penultimate episode though.)

"I'm a big fan of Doctor Shoe. He plans on ridding the world of garleks, who shout 'terminate!' And hes a doctor of philosophy."


My song of the moment:
Hmm. Ok right now I have two. Haha!

1. The Breeders -- Cannonball
This is pure awesomeness. Just listen.

2. Gotta Be Somebody -- Nickelback
Is not out yet, but truly amazing.
It really demonstrates being somebody is being with somebody (Y)

Ok guys, I know it’s a Wednesday and everything, but deep moment here:
There are moments in your life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real. When the door of happiness closes, another opens but often we look so long at the closed door that we don’t see the one that has been opened for us. Don’t go for looks; they can deceive. Don’t go for wealth; even that fades away. Go for someone that makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright , find the one that makes your heart smile. Dream what you want to dream, go where you want to go, be who you want to be, and don’t let anyone tell you anything different, because, ultimately, this is the last chance…


Haha! Deep moment there, yet some High School Musical always manages to seep its way in there. *shakes head*

Well I suppose I better tell you about my day then.

Well, for starters, a silly quizzy thing.

Then quadruple music. Yes, that’s right folks! QUADRUPLE!
But ya gotta love a bit of the olde’ Wolfgang Amadeus ;)
I love banging to that tune :)

And at lunch, more music, with choir!
Now, answer me this, how is it that last week we sounded absolutely amazing, and this week we sounded like a screeching cat??
It baffles me.
I think its coz we had Alice this week.

Oh and I personally think Minstrel and Malteser should do a duet together ;)
And perhaps Rosebud, Stan and Josh could do the *bom-bom bom-bom bom-bom…*

Englishness: Gatsby rox my socks and Owen..
Hes just negative.

And to top it all off a history test! Fun.

So yehh my day wasn’t fantastic.

But it was brightened up by convos with my sis:

“Can I check my mail?”
“Yehh, mail.”
“Yehh, e-mail.”

Ahhh..such things amuse me. Tehee!

And with my 2nd favourite ginger person in the whole wide world!:

Roz, my tender, oozing blossom, you're looking fabulous today. Is that a new haircut? Tell me it's a new haircut. It's got to be a new haircut. New makeup? You had a lift? You had a tuck? You had something? Something has been inserted in you that makes you look like... Listen, I need a favour.

Randall: Right. Ok, I think I know how to make this all go away. What happens when the whistle blows in five minutes?
Mike: I get a time out?
Randall: Everyone goes to lunch! Which means the scare floor will be...
[pause] Mike: (with extra strain on the 'P') Painted?
Randall: Empty! It'll be empty, you idiot!

Lmao! Ahhhh good times.
What a legend film.

So yehh..bad days can always be brightened up with a smile :)

Oh and i might as well inform you
That I have a plan..
That's right.
A plan.

Using mainly spoons...


Love from,

Guess who?

No seriously.

Have you guessed?



Tuesday 7 October 2008

The Tea, the Nissan and the "Repper rooms"

Hmm. Ok.
Blog Two.
(Great start)

Basically I've been thinking what to write. I thought it needed to be something that revealed something more about me, and would distinguish me as a true Brit, since you know I'm from Britain.
(Yes, Megan)

So I thought what better thing to talk about, than tea. Yes that's right folks, T-E-A. Tea!
(oh God here we go)

Tea is quite possibly one of the most amazing things ever, and unbelievably British. Yeaa! I myself drink quite a lot of tea. If I didn't go out I would probably drink around 20 cups a day.
They should call me teapot.
Jack and I tried doing teapot poses.
It didn't work.

I like my tea

Quite milky.


And as to those who prefer coffee…



Ok so let me tell you a bit about my day.
Well and yesters.

Ok yest-U-rday lunch (besides a rather sticky moment for Jess) I accompanied Rosebud and Jimbob to the bank to sort out our Young Enterprise account. Twas well good. I mean, I didn’t really like the bank itself (the ladies wore too much make-up and it was too quiet, clean and well organised :S) but the journey was good (Y)

Jimmy formed the first ever wordless quote of the day:
Jimmy *shakes fist at parked 25th birthday edition Nissan micra.. realises people are in car* *Jimmy looks rather embarrassed* Meg + Rosie *die laughing..*It was absolutely hi-wait4it-larious!
No lie.
I didn't even know Jimmy could go so red.

Also yesterday…mmm…you know I can't actually remember that far back. That's bad isn't it. Haha!

Oh yehh Alice and I were told that we should get together ;)
And make a pretty good student. Ha!
And btw I swear a certain person winked at Alice a few weeks ago :S
Quite disturbing really.

Arghh! I just clicked on a website and this guy is crudely grinning at me and winking.
Hes blonde.
With blue eyes.


Ermm… anyway, today. Ahh yes. Today I had yoga! Always a highlight of my day :)
Any excuse to chant words that those who aren't "enlightened" wouldn't understand, and to get into the funniest positions in between Chloe Rosie and Alice. ;)

Whatsmore, I don't fall asleep during the relaxation part anymore! I don't understand how you guys that did it last year still do that. Just listen!
"Heart Centre..1..Left shoulder..2..Left hip..3..Naval centre..4..Right hip..5..Right shoulder..6..Heart centre..1..2..3..4..5..6..1..."
Then again, Alice was practically asleep when we were stretching!
And downward facing dog.

Young Enterprise today as well.
The meeting was..urmm..interesting to say the least.
Ahh. Its just one of those times when you wish you had a gun.
Whats that?
You do?!

Oh and another thing.
I suppose I should have a rant about the common room.
Well it’s the 'all-new jazzed-up common room,' complete with series of movable lockers, half broken chairs, and a running tap!
Don’t worry, it won’t get very far. Jimmy will catch it with his super-speed.

A sporting tradition of the room includes turning tables upside-down, tying skipping ropes to them and using them as sled. Fun fun! Alternate sports include seeing who can stand upside-down the longest while leaning against the wall, who can make the biggest hole in the wall, and who can chuck Gurbutt the furthest.

They say theyre going to do something and create a '6th form centre,' but the annoying thing is that won't be done until after we've left!
I blame Edward.

Basically 6th form is a pile of poo.
I have sooooo much work to do!
And it doesn't exactly help having 2 disagreeing graphics teachers, music lessons practically on my lonesome, confusing history shizzle with a test coming up that I just know I'm gunna fail even with revision, and anger at Daisy Buchanan leaking out from me everytime I touch 'The Great Gatsby!'

Ohh..and another assembly Mr Wager said there was no Santa Claus!

He was joking.

Also today I made a pretty witty joke (hey that rhymes!) about a thorn and a rose, didn't I Jimbob?? Ehh? Wink wink! Nudge nudge!

Ok so what have you supposed from this pitiful excuse for a blog?
1. I really shouldn't be writing this as I have faaarrr too much work to do.
2. Daisy Buchanan really makes my blood boil.
8. I can't count.
5. I don't like coffee.
10. I like tea.
12. Quite milky.
7. I have a fetish for cheesy jokes that no one quite gets. Hmm...

Yay! Aren't you educated?


Sunday 5 October 2008

First blog. Yayness!

Hello I'm Meg.
I just thought I'd roughly say a bit about me since this is my first “blog.”

I'm not two-faced but I do have a split personality. Hey, what can I say, I'm a Gemini! That doesn't mean that I'll just turn on you at any moment so don't worry! Although I usually give people the impression that I'm completely insane.

I can come across as quite shy at first. Or really loud and silly. You know. One of the two. :)
Sometimes I don't say anything because what I say is either stupid or gay. Although I do have the occasional witty moment. A lot depends on my mood.

I can look really miserable sometimes. But most of the time I'm not. I'm just really deep in thought! I try not to overanalyse things and procrastinate. Keyword: TRY.

I don't particularly like to argue. But I won’t step down or give into anyone or anything else, and I will always fight for what I believe in. I love a good friendly debate, me! But I will let things go…if you're special. ;)

I love my friends and family. They are like, well good, like.

Things that annoy me: wasps (I mean, what do they actually do? Atleast bees have a purpose!), top friends lists (serve no purpose whatsoever, except causing arguments), maths (eww), diet coke (don’t get me started on this), attention seekers, maths (eww!) green not being a primary colour (I've never been able to understand this), Daisy Buchanan! (grrr) hypocrites, patronisation, Pierce Brosnan singing (although that last outfit kinda made up for it - very 007!), the unnecessary use of the F word (no, not food), stress management sessions!
Oh and wide foreheads. Yehh, don't ask.

I love music. It's possibly the best thing ever. It lets you forget the things you want to forget, and remember the things you want to remember. Singing makes you feel good. Ask Edward. Just try singing now. Except 'Bogopiller!' Anything but that! Mmmm.

I'm at 6th form atm. My favourite subject is English purely because I can read and write. Yep.

I say ‘rather’ quite a lot. And ‘basically.’ Words are rather cool - good at expressing things. Very articulate, me. Try and make a list of all the words beginning with the letter 'Q' I’ll start you off. Ready? 'Queue' (pronounced 'q')! It's a word…and a letter! How awesome is that? :O

Josh and I have our own dictionary…cause we is like, well cool! You're just jealous you're not as unbelievably cool as us! Duuude! Don't hate! The mighty English dictionary should be named after us!

I also think anagrams of full names are the funniest things ever, thanks to Jimmy.
Along with 'Chocolate Rain.'
And German Daleks…they're the best. :)
And 'West Side Story.' I secretly know all the dance routines and like to prance around the house in the dark clicking my fingers. :P

Love for all.
Except for those who hate.
Namely Sam.

P.S. I like hats. :)

P.P.S. I have just realised how many times I’ve used the word ‘I’ in this. Hmm…I’m really not that self-centred! Honest!