Tuesday 2 December 2008

The Pink Scarf, the Big Nose and the Rolling Sausage

Oh my COD!!!
I havent updated this in so so long!
Hmm... that doesn't make sense does it?

I have been -- and still am -- soooo unbelievably busy!!!
Don't believe me??

Well, theres...
Young Enterprise stuff
Volunteering work
Getting involved with the play
etc etc
Not to mention all my normal homework (if you could call it that) and lets face it, I do more than a lot of people, despite what some say.
Then theres, y'know, my life.
Oh wait, I don't have one!!!
Sorry, my mistake.
*rolls eyes*

So anyhuuu.. moving on...

Oh yeah! Haha! the School Concert was a couple of Fridays ago. That was a laugh hehe!
I still don't understand why they call it a 'Christmas Concert' when its in November!!!
Ooh its December!!! Yayness!!!!
I hope you guys are all tucking into your advent calendars!
Mine's the coolest. Obviously. 3 guesses as to what it is haha!
*rolls eyes again*

Anyway, yehh, the concert was good. I thought we sang quite well considering we didn't have Mrs M on the night, bless her, and we only had 2 days to practice the first song!! And us sopranos only got given the words on the morning of the concert!! Although in the end, we decided to use words, so it was alright (Y)
And even better as Big nose wasn't poking me in the side for the duration. (:
Also, we finished instead of Windband for a change! They were so distraught! lol
Josh and I had a blast. We were singing along to 'White Christmas' but getting the words mixed up haha! And who else thought the first steel band should have kept repeating until 9 oclock?? lol Oooh! The Lower School and Boys Choir were epic!
I believe I can flyyyyy! ahhhhh!!!
And of course the highlight: Chloe. (Y) (Y) (Y) (Y) (thats x4 thumbs up there Chloe, 2 for me, and 2 for Josh :P) Enough said. haha!
Oh and what happened afterwards. That will probably haunt me for years to come lol.
Oh and Billy did i make you jump!! Rosie said it wouldn't work and you'd see me, but you sooo didn't!! :P
So yehh, overall, twas a goood concert! The exposed parts of songs are still a bit dodgey though, need to work on that for the Carol Service.. yay!

Now, I dunno about anyone else, but I really like the Carol Service. Theres always a really good atmosphere, everyones happy coz its Christmas and the end of term, and obviously its a change from the norm, as everyone escapes a ordinary thursday afternoon. Maybe me liking it has something to do with the fact that the choir sits in the Church choir stands at the front, practically out of sight of teachers, especially if you sit on the back row. The only time you draw heads is if you drop your folder in the middle of a speech or prayer *cough Josh!* haha! fun!

Also, at one point fairly recently (can't remember exactly when) I went to see Holli's play thingy with Jimmy, which was fun (Y)
Hahahahaha! That was sooo funny :D

And other bits n' bobs.
NSPCC do's were great. The Fashion Show brought in loads, but the ball even more, it was fantastic, and reportably so.
But omg this woman at the Fashion Show sitting practically opposite me, had her mouth open in digust the whole time. Although she wasn't, it was just how she looked, it was sooo funny! My Mum and I were in fits!!! She actually looked like that lol Its hard to explain, one of those 'you-had-to-have-been-there moments'
Just to clarify.. I don't laugh at everyone!!!
No matter what people say.
I just sometimes get all giddy and stupid.
Most of time its just people who remind me of someone I knew/know and I find it funny somehow. Other times, its just plain funny lol.

Young Enterprise is always fun haha! I made loooads of sales Friday lunch yay!!!
I'm just good with people (when I'm in a good/people mood of course)
Sold my little buddy a scarf for his mum for Christmas. Awwww hehe! And some other random people some rather stunning hats hehe!!
Yep. Its allll good. Tradefair on Saturday. I'm sure we'll kick ass.
Well.. it will be a bit early.
As long as I have some granny tea on the way in the mini-bus and we don't get stuck in too much traffic I'll be fine. lol

Best insult of the day:

Why don't you.. go and boil some potatoes on a ring, and fry a single silver fish..

Joke of the day.
This ones my Grandad's favourite joke and it always makes me smile :)
Well, probably not his favourite, but when he told it to me as a kid, I guess it was the only one I could understand, or not too rude haha!

Why did the sausge roll?

Because it saw the apple turnover!!!

Haha! funny right?!


Also, will someone agree with me on this please...
You get some people you laugh at because theyre funy right. They tell funny jokes etc.
But there are other people who are just funny. And its not like you're laughing at them, they just make you laugh naturally because its them. Like their mannerisms and ways and stuff. And some things they say, its just typical of them to say. And you're like, 'omg that was such a typical so-and-so thing to say!' etc.
Anyone get what I mean??
Please speak now.
Or forever hold your peace! *scary booming voice*

Ooh going to see this years school play on friday, shall report on it most likely. I'm sure it'll be great though. Good luck to everyone involved, well Jimmy really, seeing as hes probably the only one with a blog in the play!! lol
Will also be putting a stand up for YE in the interval, before and after, so should be good (Y)

Anyhuu.. best be off now, bedtime, almost lol.
plus still have loads of work to do :S




Jimbob said...

Hey! :> Nice to hear from you again!!!! (Y)

Hope all's well!!



billy brown said...

awesome blog!!!!
im in an even better mood now!!! haha <<< seee!!!!!!
wot is swifties? something to do with the bird?
haha is urs HSM3??? i spose tht was a rhetorical q but oh well :D mines winnie the pooh! its quite cool! i have a secret love for him but my excuse is tht jenny brought it for me :D
i didnt see it coming at the end of the concert lol, i did see u kinda...! you had a very effective hiding place tbh, behind rosie!!!! haha
wow im in a blog writing mood :D:D:D:D:D

rosie2310 said...

I disagree with Jimmy.
You should get back into your cupboard.

I dont know why we even took the padlock off there in the first place.


I love you meggieee!
