Sunday 17 January 2010

2010 *sigh*

Wow I haven't written a blog in a while...

Ok so, new year, new century in fact. Let's hope this one will be better than the last. MUCH better. In truth, it's not looking so promising at present, but hopefully the change that finishing A-levels and going to uni brings will brighten things up. Yet you would have thought people would have learnt by now not to expect too much from the prospect of a new period of time. I mean, look at how successful the so-called 'golden' era was.... New years eve is built up too much as well. Most of the time so much planning and stressing goes to waste. Often you have the best of times when you go somewhere or do something spontaneously. Plans hardly ever work out the way you want them to anyway... I spent new years eve doing a 1000-piece puzzle. :)

Sooo... since last writing... AS-level exams. woooo lol. They didn't go too bad. Start of A-level work. Eww. Applying to UCAS. Well, let's just say I was glad when that process was over. And I'm sure many others are too. :P So far I have 4 out of 5 offers. I'm still waiting for Leicester to get back to me. But tbh I'm not overly worried about university stuff atm. I'm just trying to focus on managing all my A-level work. Emotionally it hasn't been too good. Several people issues, y'know. (N) Read several books, many TV and film highlights (y) A lot of good TV this year can't wait for. Hustle :D!!! Skins is backkkkk! :) The B-B Theory (colon, close bracket) xD Ashes to Ashes last series :S:S and Glee is very good haha, amongst other things..... Saw New Moon last year (thats weird... it'll take me till December to remember to write '2010' *rolls eyes*) A lot better in following the book than Twilight was, I thought. Likewise with HP ;) Bring on the next ones haha :D Several music highlights for me too. My main task was to convince people that The Beatles are the greatest band of all time. They weren't having any of it unfortunately :( Oh well, I have all their music now :D:D:D:D!!!!

I've been mentally studying peoples' voices and speech patterns recently. Mine, for example, is more defined and forceful when I am speaking loudly, trying to make myself heard to a person over everyone else. When a particular voice is louder than usual it can become more pronounced, and this might give an arrogant, conceited impression. I've also been considering the term 'stuck-up' recently. It is possible for this term to be mistaken for isolation. This very isolation being a mixture of self-inflict and due to the actions and outcomes of other factors. Perhaps one accused could have been isolated and driven away, both by their own nature and by those same accusers, and in turn they give off an air of snobbery.

What I fail to understand is why certain people choose to be nice as pie to someone directly, but when that someone says a general remark to someone else or the room at large, that 'nice' person seems to think it appropriate to roll their eyes, give a hairy, throaty snort, or imitate them at a pitch 3 octaves up from the original (indeed, a pitiful imitation). Could they possibly think that the person they are mocking is entirely blind/dumb/deaf/stupid? A contradiction in its most questionable form? Well not really... people often retort to that kind of behaviour because they do not like the fact that a person is saying something correct, accomplished or that they are incapable of understanding or relating to. For the most part, people unable to understand valid comments about things that they dismiss are usually unfamiliar with such passion. So they shun it, seemingly unashamedly. And so shorten they, the stature of their soul. Tis also sad to think that primary school behaviour has not been left there. And now I come to think of it, it will probably never disappear from many.

A lot of people should consider what is truly important in life. People constantly shoot things down all the time, always looking for the negative, before they have even tried looking for the positive. Instead, they should look for the good in things and people, praise things. Look for the good in themselves. No one is the same and no one thinks the same. But it is only fair to consider someone elses' opinions and interests, before either embracing and learning from them, or striking them away. Many people need to remember that life is a cycle. They need to accept that it does not revolve around them. They are part of it. By not accepting this they concur that everyone else is somehow below or unequal to them.

Hmm... character study and psychology would be very interesting to study..... haha

I honestly think A-levels are squishing my creativity. They take up so much time and effort. I don't have time to do half the things I should like, and I haven't worked on any creative writing in so long. :( No re-sits atm but a hell of a lot of coursework etc. So I suppose I better get on with it :/ Ob-la-di, ob-la-da.....

Also... this made my day when I saw it :D :D

Peace and love :)

P.S. "How did you find America?"
"Turned left at Greenland." *snigger*