Friday 20 February 2009

Mittens, Carrots and Random TV Babblings

New blog.
Okey dokey.
Btw sorry that I haven't written one in so long to those who actually read this. I've just been so unbelievably busy.
Right, what to talk about…

Mittens are cool. :)

Hmm... Well, I suppose I could update you on the home front.
My sister is still at "that age" hmm… complaining rather a lot, going out with friends, easily influenced, spoilt, that kind of thing. But hey…I'm sure I was spoilt too...obviously...because I'm such a materialistic superficial bitch who always expects the best…naturally. Haha! mum has officially broken her wrist in 2 places...and possibly dislocated the bone. And if it is dislocated, that means when this first cast comes off a few pins. :S eek! And at her age, osteoperosis tests. Ha! I make her sound really old lol. So basically she cant do anything which means more housework for me…and she can't drive!! It was her own silly fault!! Bless her lol. And she just had an op on her leg so she must be a bit sick of hospitals by now! Haha!

Personally, I don't know what the big deal is about NHS hospitals. I mean, they can't do anything about the A&E room on Saturday night, not if there are more urgent cases of dying bloody footie fans who got a bit too big for their boots and starting fighting!!! Long story hehee! But seriously, I don't see the big deal. I've been to hospital tons of times, but fortunately never stayed there overnight myself (unless you count in the A&E room), or been in for an op *touch wood*. Despite this though, I have been to visit friends and relatives in wards many times! And I generally love hospital wards - the nurses are really friendly and you usually meet loads of funny friendly patients!! Of course, there is the risk of disease…but hey! Okay, I think I've just completely contradicted myself. Yarpp.

Oooh Night at the Museum 2 coming out soon! Cannot WAIT!!! Did I ever mention that I'm a massivve fan of Ben Stiller? Well, yehh, I am hehe! He's actually a genius. I'm not even going to bother arguing that point. Because you just can't deny it. Its just like, one of those things, like, fair play, you know? Okay, now I'm starting to sound like Dr Mann. Apologies. Haha!

Those who know me have probably been surprised that I haven't written a blog about Twilight or anything related. Hmm…there's an idea! But to be perfectly honest, one blog wouldn't cover it, I'd have too much to say, and right now I've just got far too much work to do to hehe! But it is another of those instances when people tend to focus on the films! I have a long standing argument with a couple of my friends who seem to think that just watching the film of something that was originally a book seems to always suffice in understanding and appreciation. Ermmm…NO!!!!! Sorry, but I'm very firm on this. The book is usually always better. I think I've only ever found two exceptions; the films being very different from the books, but still similar in some ways, if that makes sense. But the spins were very refreshing, and one of these is actually one of my all time favourite films!!

Okay, maybe I will say a little something about Twilight. Rosie will appreciate it! Haha!
I'm sorry guys who hate it! But seriously it's fab! Relations with characters and situations are impeccably clear; cleverness and ambiguity of themes and language; emotional lines crossed on all fronts; fantastic imagination and intuitition, and it breaks away from typical clichés; depicts a relationship that is beyond a normal one, so breathtakingly powerful that I doubt even the author can fully comprehend it, as amazing as she is; Bella and Edward will go down alongside Romeo and Juliet, Lizzie and Darcy, as the most prominent romantic figures in history; the series also looks at the typical behaviour of humans, and is a celebration of life and its potential - this is mainly confronted by looking at death, as you cannot have one without the other...not even for THEM.
It's just amazing tbh.

Oh just to clarify, and avoid confusion, I do still adore the film Twilight!!! lol!
They did a good job (Y)
Can't wait for New Moon!
And Midnight Sun for that matter. :(
Oh well.

Okay, don't worry, that's all I'm saying on the subject. But seriously...mmm!!!!

Should be going to see Confessions of a Shopaholic tomorrow with a few friendys. Should be good. (Y)
Hugh Dancy :P

Oh, and I've decided Rosie actually does float my boat :)
She makes me wetter than an Otter’s pocket to be honest ;)

And to my friend that needs to be cheered up a bit. Chill dude. As my uncle once said to my friend:
“Tis far better to be pissed off than to be pissed on, son.”

Skins last night was the cutest, loveliest, most infuriating episode yet!!! Freddy!!! (L) That water park lake scene was just amazing! And the classroom scene when they sat next to each other. Cookie monster!!! *anger anger anger!!!* Can anyone sense I'm angry? I'm angryyyy!!! Biatch! No one would fuck you anyway Cook! :P Of course I'm sure the actor is great in real life lol. JJ is just soo cute and funny tehee! And I like Naomi too, she's the most like me in personality I think. Effy just needs to get a bloody heart! (no pun intended) Cook is occasionally funny and I love his responses to JJ but tbh he's just a prat. Panda is cute, some of the stuff she comes out with is just hilarious haha! Thomas!!!! He's just amazing!! Hello, my name is Thomas, so pleased to meet you! :) Teehee!
Although I love how they've assembled the various characters and individual and intertwining plot lines, I do think that there are too many characters to keep up with on the same close levels as each episode suggests. You kind of get the feeling that you've missed something when it comes to the next episode. It would be better with two episodes a week. That, and I just can't wait a whole week! It's such a struggle! Hehe!
Some of the plots are a little ridiculous, but hey, more realistic than High School Musical right? Haha! :P
Some people have said Skins is rubbish this year with new people, but come on it's a teen drama, realistically they have to move on!! Duhh!! Haha!

Conversely, I've also been watching 90210 which is cool. (Y) There's a bunch of teenage characters who are so obviously older than the parts they're playing, and who have some serious problems. But it's all good, 'coz everyone's so damn beautiful!!
Yay :D

Now, which is more realistic, even for Beverly Hills, Skins or 90210? Haha!

I've also been watching Hustle, which is finished now, but it was good while it lasted. I've always watched it. I liked this series, although I think I pretty much always guessed what they had done…except the toads, I didn’t see that one coming! Haha! I really miss Danny and Stacey, but yehh I do like Emma and Sean. I figured out where I've seen her before! Holby City! Hahaha!

Edward's dot dot dot-ing is annoying me!!!
... every other line!!
Seriously, what does that even MEAN?!!?!
What kind of a loser would do something like that?!!



I'm currently listening to Elvis Presley, Blue Suede Shoes.
He's just a legend.
Now, Bootsy Collins and Fat Boy Slim.
Youtube it ;)
If you care.

Did you knowww...
Mel Blanc, the guy who did the voice for Bugs Bunny, is actually allergic to carrots!!!

Anyways I'm off to do my much abused work for the last half hour or so.
Much love.
(Don't ask! I've been branded.)